6 Apr 2016

U.S..Bill on gay marriage!!

The Governor of Mississippi, Phil Bryant on Tuesday signed HB1523 into law on amid opposition from equal rights groups and businesses.
He said the bill "protects religious beliefs and moral convictions".
Protesters say the bill would allow for lawful discrimination of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
The bill was introduce when numerous US states are passing or considering similar laws.
Not long, North Carolina passed a bill that revokes protections for LGBT people and requires transgender individuals to use restrooms based on their biological gender identity.
Major companies and CEOs signed on to a letter urging North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory to repeal the law.
Tech company PayPal has withdrawn its plan to open an operations centre, which will employed about 400 people, over the law.
Georgia leader has rejected a similar bill after pressure from major companies that do business in the state.
States have been drawing up religious freedom laws, largely under pressure from religious groups, in response to the US Supreme Court ruling last summer legalising gay marriage.
The intention of the Mississippi bill, the "safeguarding Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act," is to protect people who think marriage is between one man and one woman, that sexual relations should only happen in marriages and that gender is not changeable.
Mr Bryant, defending himself on Twitter after signing the bill, said the bill does not limits the rights of citizens under the US Constitution and was establish to "prevent government interference in the lives of the people".
Churches, religious charities and private business can utilize the law to legally not serve people whose lifestyles they disagree with. Governments must still provide services, but individual government employees can use the law to option out.
The bill also ensures that anyone who wishes to establish "sex-specific standards" for restrooms and dressing rooms is free to do so.
"This bill flies in the face of the basic American principles of fairness, justice and equality and will not protect anyone's religious liberty," the American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement following the bill's passage.
"Far from protecting individuals from 'government discrimination' as the bill claims, it is an attack on the citizens of our state, and it will serve as the Magnolia State's badge of shame."

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