22 Mar 2018

Dapchi: CAN calls for release of Christian girl, blames Buhari for not acting

 The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Ondo State has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure the release of Liya Sharibu, the only Christian girl among the Kidnapped Dapchi girls.
CAN described the silence of the President on Sharibu who is still with the Boko Haram insurgents as sad and worrisome.
In a Press Statement made available to DAILY POST in Akure, the State capital, CAN Chairman in the state, Rev. Ayo Oladapo accused President Buhari of planning to crush out Christianity in the country.
The Christian body queried President Buhari if it is a crime to be a Christian in Nigeria.
“It is painful to note that Liya Sharibu the only girl that still remains with the Boko Haram is said to be the only lady that refused to renounce her Christian faith
“With this development, It is clear that the battle is against Christianity. Information has it that the Boko Haram people came into Dapchi town majestically to return the girls
“They claim that they were not aware that the girls were Muslims, hence, they need to return them because they are Muslims When did it become a crime for a person to become a Christian in Nigeria?
“According to the girls, they were release because they were Muslims. Is it a crime to become a Christian in Nigeria? President Buhari should tell the whole world ” CAN said.
The Religion body charged Vice President, Yemi Osinbanjo not to keep quiet as a Christian in government.
It asked Christians across the nation to mobilize prayer for the release of Sharibu to rejoin with the parents unharmed.
The statement added, ” It is painful that the government, civil society organization, human right activist kept mute on the only Christian girl that is still held captive
” We, therefore, demand that the President Muhammad Buhari and all his security outfits should without delay facilitate the immediate release of Layi Sharibu
” It is becoming clearer that president Buhari’s administration is out to crush Christianity to nothing in this nation, if he is keeping quiet on the only girl in captivity because of her faith in Christ Jesus
” No wonder, President Buhari is not doing much as expected of him to stop the killings of people in the Christian community by the herdsmen
“Pastor Professor Yemi Oshibanjo should not keep quiet as a Christian at this time, we encourage all Churches to please mobilize prayer for the release of Liya Sharibu to rejoin with the parents unharmed. We equally call on the International community to assist in the release of the Christian girl. “

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